انٽرايڪٽو ٿرو وال

Interactive throw wall is a children’s interactive game developed through the application of advanced interactive projection technology. Virtual and real interactive animation رانديون are projected on the big screen of the wave pool. Children can use the ocean ball and the wall in their hands and fully enjoy the fun of the interaction.

ڪيس اسٽڊي

منهنجي لاءِ ٺاهيو
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AR Interactive System (1)

پنھنجي قيمت چونڊيو

اسان پيش ڪريون ٿا مفت اپڊيٽ راندين جي موضوعن لاءِ ۽ سڄي دنيا ۾ شپنگ.

Custom Projection System

فيڪٽري قيمت

All in One Projector (4000lumens)

All in one projector 4000lumen

فيڪٽري قيمت

All in One Projector(3200lumens)

پرو پروجيڪٽ سسٽم

فيڪٽري قيمت

اسان سان رابطو ڪريو
